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Nil: Name Meaning of Nil in Russian for Baby Boy Names

What does Nil mean, the following is an explanation of Nil meaning.

Nil Name Meaning

* This is a boy name.
* Name start with N letter.
* Name characters: 3 letters.
* Meaning of Nil name: victory of the people.
* Nil name origin from Russian.


A name is a unique word that identifies someone as the person he or she is. It remains with us from birth till death and even though we often do not have control over them, names define us in one way or another. Most, if not all, names have certain specific or general meanings in whatever language they are in, may it be English, French, Chinese etc.

The study of appropriate names of all kinds including their origin is termed as onmastics. To name a newborn baby, several factors can be considered including religion, place of origin, popularity, namesakes, rhythms/sounds, spellings, stereotypes, gender etc. It’s reported that knowing the meaning of one’s name can make the person be more to his/her name than before. In view of this, this article aims to briefly discuss the meaning of the name “Nil”.

To begin with, ‘nil’ as an English word is understood with the meaning ‘zero’, ‘not in the list’, ‘non-existent’ or ‘nothing’. But as a name, it has different meanings in comparison, and this would be the main focus of this writing. According to many sources, Nil is a boy’s name with a variety of meanings.

One of the sources attribute the name to be of Celtic origin and that it’s used mostly in Russia. The source argues that the name may mean “champion”, “cloud” or” a passionate person”. While in old French and other areas, it’s said to mean “crow” or “a talkative person”. A point to note is that this name is not widely used in some areas as other more common names.

According to other sources, the Irish meaning for the name is “Champion”. Another source claims that the name is of Indian origin. According to it, the name has a variety of meanings such as attractive, light-hearted etc. With the few provided meanings to the name, it should be helpful.

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