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Steven: Name Meaning of Steven in Characteristic for Baby Boy Names

What does Steven mean, the following is an explanation of Steven meaning.

Steven Name Meaning

* This is a boy name.
* Name start with S letter.
* Name characters: 6 letters.
* Meaning of Steven name: a charismatic good mediator has big plans and ideas intuitively and creatively inspiring passionate and full of ideas.
* Steven name origin from Characteristic.


The name for each of us has a more or less known significance, which will mark our life without knowing how and why.

What is your name, where does it comes from, where is it used around the world and how it is pronounced in other parts of the world?

The significance of the name or the etymology of a person’s name can be found in two categories: inspirational descriptive or profane name and sacred name of inspiration.

Inspirational profane name is the oldest way of designation and it comes from personal and common words capable of describing a person or circumstances surrounding its birth or life (origin of names). If we take for example the name: Steven. What can this name tell about him? What is the meaning of the name Steven? The name has its origins and meanings in Greece, in the Age of Pericles and it is derived from “Stefano’s” which means “crown”.

In religion, Steven is considered the first Christian martyr. It says that people named Steven are creative, have an impressive personality and have a wide view on life. They want to be helpful, to love and be loved, seeks to bring harmony and peace in their environment. The meaning of this name describes a very sensitive and thoughtful human, with a strong sense of responsibility towards others. He has the ability to empathize with the people who surround him and can easily assess the emotional level of an individual or a group.

Steven men are creative, have a broad vision on life and an amazing personality. They seek to experience life in its many forms; they are drawn to travels, thrills and strange experiences. They can be shy, insecure, selfish and self-critical and often need to be pushed, to achieve a goal or to carry out a task or plan.

Steven in different world languages ​​: in German, Norwegian, Danish and Dutch are “Steffen “. There are other versions in English like “Stephen “,” Steve”, “Stevie” and in French: “Etienne” or “Stephan”. Spanish variants include “Esteban” or “Estefan” and the Italians use “Stefano”.

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